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January 23, 2019 | International, Aerospace

Les armées lancent le big bang des contrats de maintenance de leurs aéronefs


L'armée vient de choisir la société Helidax comme nouveau prestataire unique pour la maintenance des hélicoptères Fennec avec diminution quasiment par deux des coûts à l'heure de vol. Le contrat Rafale sera notifié d'ici l'été. Avec l'idée de responsabiliser les industriels à travers des contrats globaux et de longue durée.

A l'occasion de ses vœux aux Armées prononcés le 21 janvier, la ministre Florence Parly a fait part d'une réussite : elle a annoncé le premier contrat en matière de maintenance aéronautique (MCO) d'un nouveau type, avec une baisse sensible des coûts à l'heure de vol, en contractualisant avec un seul maître d'œuvre industriel.

"Je viens aujourd'hui même de prendre la décision de notifier le premier contrat de MCO « new look », un MCO « verticalisé » pour les hélicoptères de formation Fennec de l'armée de l'Air. C'est un contrat qui prévoit plus d'activité pour un coût moindre. Je vous donne un

chiffre : avec ce contrat, le coût d'une heure de vol passe de 3 500 à 1 800 euros. C'est presque moitié moins. C'est la preuve que notre stratégie était la bonne".

Même si cet essai doit être confirmé par d'autres contrats pour des flottes d'appareils plus complexes (Rafale, A400M, Tigre,

Cougar...), la ministre est en train de gagner son pari. En décembre 2017, elle frappait du point sur la table concernant la disponibilité calamiteuse des aéronefs militaires : moins d'un appareil sur deux était en situation de voler. Elle annonçait alors la création d'une nouvelle direction de la maintenance aéronautique (DMAé) pour remettre d'équerre le maintien en condition opérationnelle des aéronefs militaires.

Des contrats de longue durée

Depuis sa création en avril 2018, la direction de la maintenance aéronautique vient donc de signer son premier contrat pour attribuer la maintenance de la flotte des 18 FENNEC de l'école de formation des pilotes de de l'armée de Terre, basée au Luc en Provence (83).

L'armée va confier au groupement industriel Helidax les 18 Fennec, le stock de pièces de rechange et également la maintenance de proximité. Le prestataire va s'implanter sur la base et s'engage à fournira les heures de vol demandées. "C'est le premier appel d'offres global de ce type de la DMAé. Notre objectif est désormais de responsabiliser les industriels en exigeant de leur part une véritable obligation de performance et non plus de moyens", explique Monique Legrand-Larroche, directrice de la DMAé. En échange, l'armée s'engage sur des contrats de longue durée, entre 5 à 10 ans, permettant à ses fournisseurs de mieux s'organiser.

Plus précisément, Helidax s'engage à fournir entre 3 000 et 5 600 heures de vol par an. Les années précédentes, les équipages en formation n'avaient pu voler que moins de 3 000 heures sur les 3 500 heures nécessaires. L'armée a fait jouer la compétition. "Nous ferons jouer la compétition dès que c'est possible. Dans le cadre du contrat Fennec, nous avons reçu plusieurs offres pertinentes", se félicite la directrice de la DMAé. Selon nos sources, AirbusHelicopters n'aurait pas candidaté. Le nombre de contrats a été réduit en signant uniquement deux contrats – un pour le moteur et un pour le reste de l'appareil - contre une quinzaine auparavant.

4 contrats pour le Rafale au lieu de 22

La Dmaé finalise désormais le contrat Rafale. La notification devrait intervenir avant l'été. "L'objectif est de consolider la disponibilité sur le long terme quelle que soit la conjoncture comme le chantier d'implémentation du standard F3R qui vise à moderniser l'appareil"explique Monique Legrand Larroche. Il y aura seulement 4 contrats contre les 22 actuellement.

Les autres flottes qui seront traitées en priorité sont pour les avions, l'Atlantique 2 et l'A400M, et pour les hélicoptères, le Cougar, le Caracal, le Dauphin et le Panther.

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    SPAWAR Fosters Innovation, Industry Engagement at WEST 2019

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Christian Becker stressed the command's mission of delivering information capabilities to the fleet from seabed to space to protect the Navy and the nation from attack, promote prosperity, and preserve strategic influence. “The proliferation of advanced technologies makes staying ahead of the competition a constant challenge,” said Becker. “To outpace our adversaries we must take every opportunity to innovate, lead and drive new ways to speed delivery of advanced capability to the warfighter now and into the future.” Emphasizing information as a key domain of warfare, Becker also announced that SPAWAR will be changing the names of its Echelon III systems centers, SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic and SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific, to Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic and Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific respectively, effective Feb. 18. “While the centers' mission will remain the same, the new names reflect the centers' focus, core capabilities, and importance in the full spectrum of warfighting,” Becker said during his address to the industry on Feb. 13. “The names also improve clarity of mission and purpose with our stakeholders across the fleet and industry and throughout the broader Information Warfare Community and Naval Research and Development Enterprise.” To provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the Navy's information warfare community, this year's Navy IW pavilion featured three ways for industry to engage with Navy IW professionals — the Navy IW theater speaking series, the Navy IW engagement zone and Navy IW technology demonstrations. The speaker series covered topics focused on the evolution and present state of the information warfare domain ranging from rapid prototyping, enabling ‘compile to combat in 24 hours,' cybersecurity, military intelligence, enhancements in military training and technology, and extensive insight into the IW community status and mission areas. In an effort to foster innovation, an engagement zone meeting area provided a platform for attendees to connect with more than two dozen program managers, business portfolio managers and subject matter experts from multiple IW commands. “WEST provides a terrific opportunity to meet with industry experts on a wide range of technology areas to accelerate learning in support of PEO C4I's Information Warfare mission outcomes” said Capt. Kurt Rothenhaus, program manager of the Navy's Tactical Networks Program Office (PMW 160), at the Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (PEO C4I). Surrounding the engagement zone, the IW pavilion also hosted 18 technology demonstrations spotlighting various systems and capabilities that support and facilitate information warfare, from seabed to space. Highlighting innovation in acquisition was SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific's rapid prototyping exhibit, demonstrating some of the latest tools available to defense acquisition professionals to deliver capability to the warfighter at the speed of relevance. “SSC Pacific has a long, proud history as first-adopters of disruptive, information-based technologies and novel engineering methods,” said Carly Jackson, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific's director of prototyping-Information Warfare. “Our world class scientists and engineers have been at it again — emboldened by the urgency of calls from our fleet commanders — thriving in the power and complexity of the cresting waves of technology and innovation, and setting new standards for speed, scale, and rigor as we rapidly prototype and field capabilities to our Nation's Sailors and Marines.” Also popular with attendees was the SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific additive manufacturing exhibit, demonstrating modern technology developments in 3D printing of antennas for Naval applications. PEO C4I demonstrated the Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services (CANES), the Navy's next generation tactical afloat network. CANES will take advantage of the new business model of open architecture, Service Oriented Architecture, and rapid commercial off-the-shelf insertion, in order to bring fiscal savings to the Navy, as well as operational agility to the warfighter. To encourage and facilitate industry connections and partnerships, SPAWAR also had representatives from the command's Office of Small Business Programs on hand to provide information on how to do business with SPAWAR. “The IW Pavilion provides a platform for us to inform our small business industry partners about current and future requirements needed to support SPAWAR's mission,” said Mark McLain, SPAWAR Office of Small Business Program director. “SPAWAR recognizes that small businesses drive innovation and the creation of new industries, and tapping into their specialized capabilities and experience will assist in growing our industrial base of capable companies that can provide innovative, agile, and affordable solutions for today's and tomorrow's Navy.” Other displays ranged from unmanned under water vehicles used for operational decision making, cutting-edge position, navigation and timing technologies, artificial intelligence and machine learning applications, military satellite and nanosatellite communication systems, research and development of commercial cloud services and more. The premier naval conference and exposition on the West Coast, WEST is now in its 29th year of bringing military and industry leaders together. Co-sponsored by AFCEA International and the U.S. Naval Institute, WEST is the only event in which the makers of platforms and the designers of technologies can network, discuss and demonstrate their solutions in a single location. SPAWAR identifies, develops, delivers and sustains information warfighting capabilities supporting naval, joint, coalition and other national missions. SPAWAR consists of more than 10,000 active duty military and civil service professionals located around the world and close to the fleet to keep SPAWAR at the forefront of research, engineering and acquisition to provide and sustain information warfare capabilities to the fleet.

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    January 8, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - January 08, 2020

    NAVY Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense, Simsbury, Connecticut, is awarded a $28,323,000 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract with a five-year ordering period and five one-year options for the MK 150 MOD 0 4.0 second Delay Detonator, and the MK 164 MOD 0 Non Electric Dual Detonator. The MN50 is a 4.0 second delay detonator with 7' of pyrotechnic lead with one non-electric delay detonator on one end and an inline initiator on the other end. The MP29 is a non-electric dual detonator with 40' of dual, no flash pyrotechnic lead with two non-electric detonators on one end and two inline initiators on the other end. They are used for demolition breaching, critical target destruction and obstacle clearing for U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command. Work will be performed in Graham, Kentucky, and is expected to be complete by January 2030. Fiscal 2019 procurement of ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps, funding in the amount of $305,486; and defense procurement funding in the amount of $149,971 will be obligated at the time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Federal Business Opportunities website with one offer received. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, Crane, Indiana, is the contracting activity (N0016420DJR74). ARMY Dyncorp International LLC, Fort Worth, Texas, was awarded a $19,810,314 modification (P00022) to contract W58RGZ-19-C-0025 for aviation maintenance services. Work will be performed in Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Afghanistan and Iraq, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 30, 2020. Fiscal 2020 operations and maintenance, Army funds in the amount of $19,810,314 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity.

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