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February 15, 2023 | Local, Other Defence

Joint Declaration of the Defence Ministers of Canada, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, and the United Kingdom

February 15, 2022 – Brussels, Belgium – National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces

We, the Ministers of Defence of the enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Host Nations, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and the respective Framework Nations, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany reaffirm our commitment to protecting our populations and those of our Allies. We will continue to significantly strengthen the Deterrence and Defence of the Baltic Region as part of NATO’s Collective Defence obligations.

Russia’s unprovoked and unjustifiable war of aggression against Ukraine is defining the future security landscape of Europe and beyond.  Russia is and will remain the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security.

We – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany, with full respect to the different approaches towards the tailored presence in the Baltic States, will coordinate efforts with each other and NATO in order to achieve the most effective and credible deterrence and defence posture in the region.

To support this goal, we seek to closer strengthen our cooperation through:

  • Integration of the eFP into the further implementation of the Concept for Deterrence and Defence of the Euro-Atlantic Area, including into new defence plans, modernized force structure, and command and control arrangements, in close coordination with NATO.
  • Closely working on pre-positioning of equipment and ammunition in the Baltic States. We will exchange our approaches to find the most suitable way for the preparation of our forces, including stockpiling and pre-positioning of weapons, ammunition, material and equipment.
  • Enhancing our collective defence including increased Allied presence in the Baltics, exercises to be prepared for high intensity and multi-domain operations and ensured reinforcement of an Ally on short notice.
  • Actively seeking ways to exchange information regarding training, exercises, force deployments, and other similar high profiled initiatives.
  • Coordination of our Strategic Communications in order to maximize the Deterrence and Defence effects of our commitments as well as disseminating and promoting coherent NATO messaging and priorities
  • The Baltic countries will continue to invest in infrastructure and training opportunities to ensure all necessary Host Nation Support.

Our commitment to Article 5 is resolute and firm. We, as Defence Ministers of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany, are committed to the implementation of the 2022 Madrid Summit decisions and will continue to work together to strengthen NATO’s Posture in the Region.

On the same subject

  • Laflamme Aéro reçoit 2 millions de dollars en capital de risque

    January 29, 2020 | Local, Aerospace

    Laflamme Aéro reçoit 2 millions de dollars en capital de risque

    Un produit novateur développé au Québec Saint-Joseph-de-Coleraine, 29 janvier 2019 — L'entreprise Laflamme Aéro, située dans la région de Thetford Mines, annonce la conclusion d'une ronde de financement de 2 millions de dollars à laquelle participent Investissement Québec, Anges Québec et Anges Québec Capital. Des investissements qui tombent à point pour l'entreprise qui s'apprête à commercialiser son drone LX300 dès 2020, le premier appareil au monde de type hélicoptère sans pilote capable de transporter des charges de 90 kilos. « Le LX300 est l'un des plus gros drones civils au monde. Avec ses 300 kilos, il se distingue principalement par sa polyvalence, sa capacité à transporter de lourdes charges et son autonomie de vol de huit heures. Cet investissement de 2 millions de dollars nous permet à présent de propulser et de faire connaître notre produit vers les grands marchés nationaux et internationaux », explique Enrick Laflamme, ingénieur, cofondateur et président de Laflamme Aéro, entreprise qu'il a fondée avec son frère David également ingénieur et vice-président ingénierie de l'entreprise en pleine croissance. Outre le déploiement commercial du LX300, les nouveaux investissements annoncés aujourd'hui permettront de soutenir l'amélioration des infrastructures de l'entreprise et l'implantation d'une chaîne de montage, l'ajout de nouvelles ressources pour soutenir la croissance de Laflamme Aéro, ainsi que la continuité en recherche et développement de nouveaux produits. Développé par l'entreprise familiale depuis 2013, le LX300 est un produit novateur destiné tant aux secteurs privé que commercial, militaire ou gouvernemental. Très versatile, l'appareil peut être muni de caméras de surveillance ou encore transporter du matériel sur de longues distances, pour approvisionner un secteur difficilement accessible par exemple. Le LX300 a relevé avec succès les nombreux essais en vol et autres manœuvres délicates de décollages et d'atterrissages au cours des deux dernières années. « Il a tous les avantages d'un hélicoptère, mais sans avoir besoin d'un pilote. Il est muni d'un système de rotor en tandem (deux hélices), permettant le décollage et l'atterrissage à la verticale et une grande stabilité. Tous ces éléments et la qualité de conception en font un produit extrêmement fiable et dont les coûts opérationnels sont compétitifs », ajoute M. Laflamme. Soutenir l'innovation en région « Laflamme Aéro a développé une technologie efficace et unique, qui démontre l'excellence du Québec en matière d'innovation. Nous sommes fiers de soutenir une jeune entreprise aéronautique de pointe établie dans la région de Chaudière-Appalaches, afin de lui permettre d'être compétitive dans les différents secteurs ciblés afin de tirer son épingle du jeu dans un marché mondial de plusieurs milliards de dollars », soutient M. Pierre Fitzgibbon, ministre de l'Économie et de l'Innovation. « Un secteur fort compétitif comme l'aéronautique exige des investissements majeurs en recherche et développement de la part des entreprises, et ce, sur plusieurs années, avant d'en arriver au stade de précommercialisation. Dans le cadre du mandat élargi que lui confie le gouvernement, Investissement Québec entend déployer des efforts particuliers pour financer et accompagner les entreprises des régions non urbaines comme Laflamme Aéro. Nous souhaitons faire la différence afin d'atténuer les lacunes décelées lors des stades critiques où les niveaux de risque-rendement sont souvent jugés trop élevés pour intéresser certains acteurs privés », précise M. Guy LeBlanc, président-directeur général, Investissement Québec. Précisons que Laflamme Aéro bénéficie du soutien de Transport Canada dans le développement d'une certification adaptée selon les plus hauts standards, ainsi que de l'entreprise General Dynamics Mission Systems, une des plus grandes entreprises de défense et de sécurité au Canada, avec qui l'entreprise de Chaudière-Appalaches a récemment signé un accord de coopération afin de promouvoir le LX300 auprès des grands joueurs en défense et en sécurité au Canada et à l'international. À propos de Laflamme Aéro Fondée en 2006, Laflamme Aéro est une entreprise familiale située à St-Joseph-de-Coleraine dans la région de Thetford Mines au Québec dirigée par les frères David et Enrick Laflamme, tous deux ingénieurs et passionnés d'aviation. L'entreprise se spécialise dans le développement d'hélicoptères à rotors en tandem, dont le LX300 qui sera commercialisé dès 2020. Laflamme Aéro possède également une division de génie-conseil, Laflamme Ingénierie, qui réalise des projets d'ingénierie mécanique en sous-traitance pour des entreprises du secteur aérospatial, énergétique et manufacturier. À propos d'Investissement Québec Investissement Québec a pour mission de favoriser la croissance de l'investissement au Québec, contribuant ainsi au développement économique et à la création d'emplois, et ce, dans toutes les régions. La Société met au service des entreprises une gamme complète de solutions financières, notamment des prêts, des garanties de prêt et de l'investissement en capital-actions, afin de les soutenir à tous les stades de leur développement. De plus, elle est responsable de l'administration de mesures fiscales et de la prospection d'investissements à l'étranger. À propos d'Anges Québec Fondé en 2008, Anges Québec est un réseau de plus de 250 anges investisseurs qui ont pour mission d'investir et de s'investir dans des entreprises québécoises innovantes. Les membres du réseau d'Anges Québec ont, à ce jour, investi plus de 100 M$ dans l'économie québécoise, totalisant plus de 265 investissements dans plus de 137 entreprises innovantes. Gr'ce à son centre de développement professionnel, Anges Québec soutient ses membres dans l'acquisition constante de nouvelles connaissances et compétences inhérentes à l'investissement. À propos d'Anges Québec Capital Fondé en 2012, Anges Québec Capital est un fonds d'investissement de 86M$, commandité par Investissement Québec, via ses fonds propres et à titre de mandataire du Gouvernement du Québec, la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ), le Fonds de Solidarité FTQ et des membres d'Anges Québec. Il a pour mission d'accompagner les 250 membres d'Anges Québec dans leurs investissements. À ce jour, Anges Québec Capital a investi plus de 47M$ dans 53 entreprises innovantes, totalisant 112 transactions. Pour recevoir les communiqués d'Investissement Québec en temps réel, inscrivez-vous au fil RSS suivant : Information Investissement Québec 1 844 474-6367

  • Biden, Trudeau must expand binational action to bolster cybersecurity

    March 20, 2023 | Local, C4ISR

    Biden, Trudeau must expand binational action to bolster cybersecurity

    Biden’s visit to Canada to meet with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this week will be an opportunity to expand on cybersecurity cooperation.

  • Canada’s defence industry positioning for life beyond COVID

    May 19, 2020 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Canada’s defence industry positioning for life beyond COVID

    Posted on May 15, 2020 by Chris Thatcher In an appearance before the Commons finance committee on May 12, Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux suggested the federal deficit could vastly exceed the $252 billion he projected in mid-April as the government continues to unveil relief measures to help Canadians and businesses withstand the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Most admit it is to too early to tell what that will mean for future military procurement and the government's 2017 defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE), but think tanks and defence analysts are nonetheless forecasting turbulence ahead. “Over the past generation, recessions and the fiscal consolidation that has followed them have had a seriously negative impact on DND's (Department of National Defence) budget,” wrote Eugene Lang, an adjunct professor with the School of Policy Studies at Queen's University and Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, in a recent policy paper for CGAI. “The future for SSE and its associated funding does not look bright. National defence probably has a year or two before the crunch hits.” Christyn Cianfarani is more cautious, but the president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI) admits the “rumblings are there that we are naturally concerned. Anybody who knows their history will tell you that when federal governments have been in these deficit spending situations — and this is the largest since the Second World War — they typically will be looking for strategies to reduce that deficit in the long term and DND unfortunately is a target.” But pulling government funding from a sector that has weathered the COVID-19 storm reasonably well might be “counterintuitive,” she suggested. The sector “right now is one of the few that is able to contribute to the economy under this persistent pandemic environment ... If there are multiple waves of [the virus], defence will be one sector that actually can shoulder the ups and downs and return to remote operations if we get to that stage again.” “Pure play” defence companies with few or no ties to commercial aerospace and the travel industry have managed the risks well, she said. Most have so far avoided the workforce layoffs and temporary downsizing experienced in other sectors, though manufacturing has slowed to meet provincial health regulations. Some, in fact, have been hiring. “Aside from some localized instances of companies facing real challenges, I would say the overall health [of the sector] is not too bad,” she said. Following what she called a “choppy” roll out of COVID-19 related policies that cut across federal and provincial jurisdictions, defence companies have adapted. Some have retooled shop floors and supply chains to manufacture critically needed personal protective equipment (PPE). Others with government contracts have continued operations where possible, albeit at reduced levels to match restrictions at government facilities. Maintenance on some platforms such as submarines has halted. The federal government has been “very conscious of trying to keep the contracts moving and executing,” said Cianfarani. “For example, if you are in the Canadian shipbuilding program, you are still pushing forward. If you are part of that supply chain, that hasn't seen any tangible change in the expectations.” Furthermore, many smaller defence firms specialize in software development and cyber security, both of which remain in demand as governments and companies try to protect expanded networks that now include thousands of employees working from home. The greatest concern for members has been liquidity, she said. CADSI encouraged the Business Development Bank of Canada and Export Development Canada to set aside their traditional risk aversion to the defence sector as they work with private sector lenders to support access to capital. The Business Credit Availability Program includes loans of up to $60 million and guarantees of up to $80 million. “We are quite proud of making a big intervention on that,” she said. “It was supposed to be open for all businesses and, irrespective of ... whether you characterize certain businesses as higher risk than others, it is an incentive program at the federal level.” An essential service At the outset of the COVID-19 economic slowdown, CADSI was a vocal advocate for defence as an essential service and greater harmonization of federal and provincial policies, including the rules that allow embedded contractors to access Canadian Armed Forces facilities. As provincial governments now begin easing restrictions and take the first tentative steps to open their economies, the association is calling for guidance and common standards, especially for the use of protective masks, gloves and other clothing. Of particular concern are the rules for employees of companies that embed on Wings and Bases to provide training, platform maintenance, healthcare and other services. “Who has to wear protective health equipment in a DND facility and is it the same [federal standard] across different provincial jurisdictions?” said Cianfarani. “If Ontario decides you have to stand two metres apart and Nova Scotia doesn't have the same policy,” it will create confusion. “If you need a particular face mask to go onto a DND base to perform maintenance on their aircraft, what does that look like? If it is so specialized, can you help us procure it? Or, if it is not so specialized, can you give us a specification so we can ensure that we do have it when we get spooled up to work?” Likewise, what PPE do companies need to provide when DND and other government employees visit their facilities? DND has released some information on “what they are starting to classify as health equipment versus PPE,” she said. “If companies have that information, they won't get to a DND facility and be surprised by a piece of PPE they need or a standard of working they need to accommodate.” Made in Canada The economic repercussions of the pandemic likely won't be felt in the defence sector for some time. Cianfarani noted that some companies have found opportunity in the crisis and will increase investments in automation, big data and other elements of Industry 4.0 as they position for the future. “This is probably an acceleration of something that has been going on slowly in the background for quite sometime,” she observed. But the pandemic has opened the door to a renewed discussion about a national defence industrial strategy, an issue CADSI has been flagging for over a decade. Buying made-in-Canada defence and security platforms and systems is more expensive, but the past months have demonstrated that protectionism is “alive and well.” President Donald Trump in early April asked U.S.-based 3M to stop supply N95 masks to Canada. “The crisis has certainly given us and the government, and Canadians in general, a renewed interest in the concept of having sovereign capability,” she said. Shifting to a procurement culture that accepts the risks and costs of Canadian-built equipment won't happen quickly or easily — it took about seven years to study and adopt recommendations for Canadian key industrial capabilities, she noted — “but I really do think if there is any opportunity, it is probably now, because the shock is still very prevalent in everyone's mind.”

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