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June 21, 2021 | International, Aerospace

How A $2,852 Sum Threatens Lockheed’s F-35A Cost-Saving Plan | Aviation Week Network

Lockheed Martin’s goal to reduce the F-35A’s cost per flight hour to $25,000 by 2025 is not fully within the company’s control.

On the same subject

  • Airbus crée un dispositif de surveillance du trafic aérien pour les... drones

    December 10, 2018 | International, Aerospace

    Airbus crée un dispositif de surveillance du trafic aérien pour les... drones

    Par Alexandre Boero La division Airbus Defence and Space a collaboré pour mettre au point Drone-it!, un dispositif de surveillance des drones, de plus en plus présents dans l'espace aérien. Aviation, sécurité, cinéma, télévision, maintenance, surveillance : les domaines dans lesquels on les utilise à tout-va ne manquent pas. Voilà pourquoi Airbus a décidé de se concentrer sur le développement d'un appareil, via sa branche Airbus Defence and Space, qui viendra diminuer le risque de collision de drones dans le ciel. Une technologie qui rend les drones visibles sur un radar Souvent délicats à détecter sur radar dans un espace aérien toujours plus massif, les drones peuvent causer des situations de danger, pour les autres et pour eux-mêmes. La technologie Drone-it! vise à résoudre ce problème et permet un suivi en temps réel des drones. Pour cela, l'appareil Drone-it! est équipé d'un récepteur et d'un émetteur GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System ou Système mondial mondial de navigation par satellite), ainsi que d'un chipset, un jeu de puces qui rend les drones bien visibles sur un radar spécifiquement développé. Le jeu de puces possède la capacité de communiquer directement avec les réseaux au sol ou alors être relayé par satellite à orbite géostationnaire. Des essais menés avec succès Avec 40 vols et six scénarios différents, la technologie a été testée avec succès lors de démonstrations menées au Royaume-Uni en octobre 2018. Sous le nom de code « Class », ce projet a été mené par Airbus Defence and Space en étroite collaboration avec l'École nationale de l'Aviation civile (ENAC), l'Université norvégienne des sciences et technologies (NTU) et Unify, une filiale du géant français Atos, spécialisée dans les communications unifiées.

  • Amentum Awarded $87 Million Navy Contract for Systems Engineering Support

    April 1, 2020 | International, Naval

    Amentum Awarded $87 Million Navy Contract for Systems Engineering Support

    Germantown, Md.; March 26, 2020 – Amentum, a leading contractor to U.S. federal and allied governments, has been awarded a new contract by Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division worth up to $87 million. Under the contract, Amentum will provide systems engineering support to naval weapons systems, weapon control systems, and warfare systems for ballistic missile and guided missile submarines and surface ships, including Aegis, Ship Self-Defense System, DDG-1000 Guided Missile Destroyers, Guided Missile Frigates, and U.S. Coast Guard cutters. The cost-plus-fixed-fee contract has one base year and four one-year option periods. “We have been a strategic partner to the Navy for more than 40 years providing systems engineering support at Dahlgren,” said John Vollmer, Chief Executive Officer of Amentum. “Many of our people there have decades of engineering and operational experience in the Strategic Systems Program Office and on Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile programs. Our unique experience combined with our engineering and software tools allows us to offer real-world solutions to complex and ever-changing combat system and fleet challenges.” Work under the contract will primarily be performed at Dahlgren, Va.; Dam Neck, Va.; Washington Navy Yard; and Pittsfield, Mass. ### About Amentum Amentum is a premier global technical and engineering services partner supporting critical programs of national significance across defense, security, intelligence, energy, and environment. We draw from a century-old heritage of operational excellence, mission focus, and successful execution underpinned by a strong culture of safety and ethics. Headquartered in Germantown, Md., we employ more than 20,000 people in 48 states and 28 foreign countries and territories. Visit us at to explore how we deliver excellence for our customers' most vital missions. Contacts: For Amentum: Christine Fuentes +1 (540) 219-5636 Follow @Amentum_corp on Twitter View source version on Amentum:

  • Lord hopes to loosen weapon export restrictions in next six months

    July 20, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land

    Lord hopes to loosen weapon export restrictions in next six months

    By: Aaron Mehta WASHINGTON — The Pentagon's top weapons acquisition official on Thursday called for another review of what defense technology is export-restricted, in an attempt to ensure the United States remains a defense technology provider of choice for other nations. Speaking at an event hosted by the Reagan Foundation, Ellen Lord said she has in recent months become “passionate” about revisiting export controls. “In the next six months, I very much hope to open the envelope, particularly on some of the weapons technology that we can export,” Lord said. “I am concerned that sometimes we are losing international competitions, because we have — as we have increased our capability, we have not increased the capabilities that we export in a commensurate fashion,” she added. “And we sometimes are having some of our potential customers, typically in the Mideast turn to Russia or China — you see the same thing in India, for instance.” Export control reform is hardly a new issue. In 2018, the Trump administration unveiled new defense export policies that it said should increase sales of U.S. weapons abroad; during the rollout, officials used some of the same phrasing about the need to think “strategically” as Lord did on Thursday. And in a process that started under the Obama administration and continued into the Trump administration, the U.S. State Department reviewed the 21 categories on the U.S. Munitions List, moving thousands of pieces of technology into categories that allow for straight commercial sales without a government review. Many of those technologies that were reviewed are systems that are no longer unique to America, or are so prevalent in commercial systems that to restrict them would be to harm broad swathes of American industry. But Lord's comments indicated that she feels not enough has been done in the realm of making it easier to export defense items. “We are having a very focused discussion on: Let's rethink this from a strategic point of view” she said. “A lot of this technology — frankly, the magic sauce is in the manufacturing of it, the technical data package doesn't always give it to you. So obviously we have to make sure we're very careful not to have things that could be disassembled and understood and so forth.” Lord also noted a desire to “beef up” the National Technology and Industrial Base, or NTIB, which currently covers Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. Countries in the NTIB are considered part of the American defense industrial base, making it easier to collaborate on materiel. The U.S. remains the largest arms exporter in the world. Per data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, America represented about 35 percent of all arms exports from 2015-2019; Russia, at 18 percent, was a distant second.

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