February 12, 2024 | International, Land
RTX to supply 600 Coyote drone interceptors to Army
The $75 million deal for the interceptors was made "in direct support to the U.S. counter-unmanned aircraft systems mission," according to the service.
September 26, 2024 | International, C4ISR, Security
Kia fixes vulnerabilities that allowed remote car control using only a license plate. Patch issued
February 12, 2024 | International, Land
The $75 million deal for the interceptors was made "in direct support to the U.S. counter-unmanned aircraft systems mission," according to the service.
November 29, 2021 | International, Aerospace
C'est le 24 novembre que Saab a tenu une réunion de haut niveau avec les autorités du Brésil et de la Suède pour présenter les six premiers avions Gripen E de série, qui ont quitté l'usine et sont entrés en phase de livraison. Les délégations des deux pays ont également eu l'occasion de discuter d'activités communes qui seront bénéfiques au programme Gripen.
November 19, 2024 | International, C4ISR, Security
T-Mobile targeted in Chinese cyber espionage campaign stealing telecom data; U.S. warns of ongoing threats.