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November 28, 2024 | International, Aerospace

GDIT secures $330m US Army training support task orders

GDIT has secured two training support services task orders worth $330m from the US Army Contracting Command – Orlando.

On the same subject

  • Israël commande des munitions rôdeuses FireFly

    May 19, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    Israël commande des munitions rôdeuses FireFly

    BOQUET Justine Le ministère de la défense israélien a passé commande auprès de Rafaël pour des munitions rôdeuses FireFly. Contrat. Le 4 mai, Rafaël a annoncé avoir enregistré une nouvelle commande de la part du ministère de la défense israélien. Ce dernier a décidé d'équiper ses forces terrestres de munitions rôdeuses, Spike Firefly. Le nombre d'unités commandées, la date de livraison et le montant du contrat n'ont pas été dévoilés. Observer et frapper. L'acquisition de ces FireFly, combinant les avantages d'un drone à ceux d'une munition, permettra d'équiper les soldats déportés et de les appuyer dans la conduite de leur mission. Les FireFly auront ainsi un double intérêt, servant d'une part d'appui pour les troupes au sol et d'autre part de munitions afin de neutraliser des objectifs définis. « FireFly a été conçu pour un emploi en environnement urbain, où la connaissance situationnelle s'avère limitée, l'ennemi se trouvant à couvert, et où la précision est un élément critique », détaille Rafael. Mode de fonctionnement. Déployable en quelques secondes, le système FireFLy se contrôle à partir d'un écran semblable aux stations sol des drones. La caméra embarquée permet d'observer l'environnement et de détecter la présence d'objectifs tout en les localisant avec précision. Il est ainsi possible de suivre leur évolution et leur mouvement. Une fois la cible repérée, il est possible d'engager la munition afin de procéder à la neutralisation de l'objectif, qu'il soit dans ou à l'extérieur du champ de vision de l'opérateur.

  • HENSOLDT and 21strategies collaborate on next-generation artificial intelligence for defence systems

    January 26, 2023 | International, C4ISR

    HENSOLDT and 21strategies collaborate on next-generation artificial intelligence for defence systems

    The aim is to jointly drive the development of next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) for defence systems

  • Missile Defense Agency picks 2 vendors for hypersonic weapon tracking sensor prototypes

    January 26, 2021 | International, Aerospace

    Missile Defense Agency picks 2 vendors for hypersonic weapon tracking sensor prototypes

    Nathan Strout WASHINGTON — The Missile Defense Agency selected two companies to build prototype sensors capable of tracking hypersonic weapons from space. L3Harris and Northrop Grumman will create the prototypes for the agency's Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor. L3Harris won a $122 million award Jan. 14, while Northrop Grumman received a $155 million award Jan. 22. In tandem with the Space Development Agency's tracking layer, the HBTSS constellation is the Pentagon's answer to hypersonic weapons, which are too dim to effectively track with current sensors in geostationary orbit and can potentially avoid terrestrial sensors. The constellation will be closer to the planet's surface in low Earth orbit, allowing sensors to more easily see the dimmer threat. However, being closer to the Earth's surface results in a far narrower field of view for each satellite. In order to get worldwide coverage, the Pentagon is pursuing a proliferated constellation made up of dozens of satellites. SDA's tracking layer satellites will initially pick up a threat, with each satellite tracking the weapon and then passing off custody to the next satellite as the weapon leaves its field of view. Ultimately, the threat will be passed on to the more sensitive HBTSS, which can provide targeting data. “The combination of high speed, maneuverability and relatively low altitude of some of the emerging advanced missile threats makes them challenging targets for our current missile defense systems,” the agency said in a statement. “HBTSS is needed, since we cannot populate the Earth and the oceans with terrestrial radars to meet this need. The ‘birth-to-death' tracking that HBTSS can provide when integrated with terrestrial sensors will make it possible to maintain custody of missile threats from launch through intercept regardless of location.” Four companies were in the running to build the new HBTSS prototypes, but MDA stated on Jan. 22 that L3Harris and Northrop Grumman will be the two moving forward into the on-orbit prototype demonstration. The other transaction authority contracts covers the prototypes through launch and early on-orbit testing. According to MDA, the prototypes should “demonstrate the sensitivity and fire-control quality of service necessary to support both the emerging hypersonic threat kill chain and dim upper-stage ballistic missiles.”

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