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February 9, 2018 | Information, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

Doing business with NATO

Canada has a new representative at the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA / NCI Agency). Ms Joanna Glowacki started this fall and is ready to help Canadian companies connect with NATO ICT business opportunities. She can be reached at or +32 (0)2 707.82.27

As you know, Canada has established a new Liaison Officer at the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) in Capellen, Luxembourg. Lieutenant-Colonel Martin Bedard arrived in the summer and some of you have already been engaging with him. Martin's email address is

Canadian companies are encouraged to continue to track NATO business opportunities on the websites of the two NATO Acquisition Agencies – NCI Agency and NSPA.

For companies tracking ICT business opportunities at NATO, it is recommended that you follow the NCI Agency Bulletin Board website for the latest updates on current business opportunities. If you see an opportunity of interest, shown on the website as a Notice of Intent (NOI), notify the Canadian Delegation to be added to the bidders list. There is no cost to receive the bid package and no commitment to bid once on the bidders list, although for each and every opportunity you must notify Canada's Delegation to NATO at to be added to the bidders list.

For NATO business opportunities in the area of logistics and maintenance, the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) website is: You should also register your company as a supplier of NSPA – there is no cost and no commitment to register your company – so you start to receive notices of NSPA business opportunities in your domain. You can register at the following link: You can also view “Future Business Opportunities” on the NSPA database: Right click on an item of interest for more detail. Check out as well the “Request for Proposal” opportunities at the same site – right side of page.

You can also look at the following webpages for general information:

Guide to navigating NATO procurement:

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about NATO business opportunities:

Guide pour la navigation- Acquisitions au sein de l'OTAN:

Réponses aux questions fréquemment posées sur les opportunités d'affaires de l'OTAN:

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