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May 26, 2020 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

Defence spending likely to face post-COVID cuts, military experts say


The Liberals' defence policy, Strong, Secure and Engaged, could be in for post-pandemic trouble.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues into its third month and with the federal government's response growing alongside it, defence experts anticipate the Department of National Defence will face significant cuts in the near future as Ottawa eventually tries to deal with the fallout of huge increases in government spending and a dramatic drop in revenues.

On the same subject

  • Brewing battle over future of NATO creates minefield for Canada

    November 21, 2019 | Local, Other Defence

    Brewing battle over future of NATO creates minefield for Canada

    OTTAWA — There are fears a brewing battle over the future of NATO could have major implications for Canada, which has relied on the military alliance as a cornerstone of its security, protection and influence in the world for decades. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to travel to London next month where comments by French President Emmanuel Macron questioning the viability of NATO threaten to overshadow a celebration of the alliance's 70th birthday. Macron warned in an interview with the Economist magazine that the alliance suffers from a lack of U.S. leadership, and that Europe must stop relying on American guarantees of protection and prepare to defend itself. Robert Baines, president of the NATO Association of Canada, says he is concerned about the alliance's future, adding its dissolution would weaken this country's links to other western democracies and leave Canada reliant on the U.S. for security. Defence analyst David Perry of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute says NATO represents an important “counterweight” to what would otherwise be a lopsided Canada-U.S. defence relationship. Baines and Perry suggest Canada is well-placed to bring Washington and Europe together, and that saving the organization should be a priority. This report was first published by The Canadian Press on Nov. 19, 2019.

  • Lockheed Martin, Canadian UAVs to improve beyond visual line of sight operations

    December 18, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    Lockheed Martin, Canadian UAVs to improve beyond visual line of sight operations

    The ability to fly unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) beyond the visual line of sight (BVLOS) significantly improves their effectiveness and potential. The increased range of BVLOS operations requires real-time airspace situational awareness for the UAV pilot and support crew to ensure safe, repeatable operations. Canadian UAVs and Lockheed Martin Canada CDL Systems have signed a memorandum of understanding to provide an unmanned traffic management solution to meet this challenge. This solution will build a complete airspace picture necessary to conduct unmanned operations beyond visual line of sight in Canada and beyond. “A complete airspace picture is an absolute necessity to conduct unmanned flights beyond visual line of sight,” said Dustin Engen, Lockheed Martin Canada CDL Systems business development manager. “When combined, Canadian UAV's Sparrowhawk radar and our VCSi product will offer all users this complete picture and provide the necessary situational awareness for BVLOS flights in Canada and abroad.” Lockheed Martin Canada CDL Systems will provide integration support for the vehicle control station software called VCSi, a universal ground control system based on more than 1.5 million flight hours in military and commercial flight operations. Canadian UAVs will integrate their low-cost, ground-based radar, Sparrowhawk, into VCSi to provide users with a complete airspace picture of manned and unmanned aviation tracking with collision avoidance. Sparrowhawk has been instrumental in Canadian UAVs' first permitted BVLOS flights outside of restricted airspace in Canadian history. The company will also develop hardware and artificial intelligence software as part of Project Skysensus, a five-year investment from Canada's Industrial and Technological Benefit (ITB) Policy. “With Canadian UAVs' advanced market position in BVLOS operations, we are seeing a lot of gaps in what the general market offers to solve fundamental technological issues in unmanned aviation,” said Sean Greenwood, president of Canadian UAVs. “As a result, we developed a technology road-map that invests in a comprehensive tool set to increase flight safety and repeatability as these operations increase in volume and airspace complexity. We have been working with Lockheed Martin CDL Systems for several years and we are very excited by this agreement to formalize the relationship.”

  • Border Security & Organized Crime

    October 1, 2018 | Local, Security

    Border Security & Organized Crime

    © 2018 FrontLine Security (Vol 15, No 5) Canada's new Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction Minister finally has a mandate: What should Canadians expect? When Prime Minister Trudeau shuffled the federal Cabinet on July 14th, the entire country was taken by surprise when Bill Blair was named as the Minister for the newly-created portfolio of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction. At the time, Blair was serving as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and had been placed in charge of the Government's challenging initiative to legalize possession and use of marihuana. As such, Blair had worked with several federal departments, with Provincial and Municipal governments, with police organizations, the RCMP, CBSA, and also with U.S. officials who, understandably, were, and are, concerned about cross-border smuggling. By all accounts, Blair did an exemplary job of working with the multiple stakeholders to identify and ‘solve' the many problematic issues involved with marihuana legalization. He was ably supported in this task by officials from Public Safety Canada's Border Strategies and Law Enforcement Division – those skilled policy people who understand and prioritize operational results. Mr. Blair's success on the marihuana file was no doubt a significant factor in being chosen to handle this new responsibility. It is also clear that his lengthy career of law enforcement, including as the Chief of the Toronto Police Service and President of the Canadian Association of Police of Chiefs, was also instrumental in his selection for this new role. Full article:

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