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April 8, 2024 | International, Security

Cyber Security Today, April 8, 2024 – Crooks are hijacking Facebook pages to spread phoney AI applications | IT World Canada News

Crooks are hijacking Facebook pages to spread phoney AI applications. Welcome to Cyber Security Today. It's Monday April, 8th, 2024. I'm Howard Solomon with a roundup of the latest cybersecurity news. Cybercrooks are taking over poorly-protected Facebook profiles to spread links to fake artificial intelligence applications. That's according to researchers at Bitdefender. They say the

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  • French Air Force chief: France and Germany working on export controls for future fighter

    February 11, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    French Air Force chief: France and Germany working on export controls for future fighter

    By: Valerie Insinna WASHINGTON — The French Air Force chief of staff provided top cover for the future Franco-German fighter at a time when the French defense industry is increasingly concerned that cooperation with Germany could curtail its ability to export the system. “There is a real determination" at the highest levels of government — including French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel — to agree on export controls, said Gen. Philippe Lavigne during a Feb. 7 roundtable with reporters. "It's a need for our security, but it's also a need for our industry, and we have to develop this,” he said, adding that Spain has already signed on as an observer to the program and that others are expected to follow. The French government is generally seen as more supportive of arms sales than its partner in the sixth-generation fighter program, called the Future Combat Air System, or FCAS. While enthusiasm for the program remains high, some French defense industry officials are concerned that Germany's involvement could prevent sales to countries that Berlin considers rogue actors. But settling an export policy is just one of the many questions about the FCAS program that are still yet to be answered. So far, France and Germany's concept for FCAS involves a network of swarming UAVs, new weapons and a sixth-generation fighter that can exchange information with each other. FCAS would replace France's Rafale and Germany's Eurofighter around 2040. “We haven't decided what will be the architecture,” Lavigne said. “Will it be this type of aircraft? Will it be this type of [UAV]? Will it be this type of unmanned combat air vehicle? Will it be this type of missiles? But we know that we will share an architecture. “The gamechanger is the connectivity between different platforms.” Earlier this week, the French and German governments awarded €65 million (U.S. $74 million) to Dassault and Airbus for the two-year study that will solidify a path forward for FCAS, and the companies plan to announce demonstrator programs at the Paris Air Show this summer. Lavigne wasn't clear on how the governments would reconcile different requirements, like France's intention to launch FCAS from aircraft carriers, which could drive different design attributes than a fighter that takes off and lands conventionally. “Of course we will have national interests in France with the nuclear deterrence. Germany will have different national interests,” he said. However, he stopped short of saying how much commonality is expected between the two militaries. Until the study is complete, it is “too early to say” whether FCAS will be manned or unmanned. However, Lavigne said a human will continue to be in the loop — especially for nuclear deterrence missions — whether a human is in the cockpit or it is remotely piloted. “We are open to look at the technical solution,” he said. “For me, it's optionally piloted.” FCAS' system-of-systems approach is similar to the U.S. Air Force's vision for Penetrating Counter Air, its future air superiority concept. The Air Force hasn't shared which defense companies are involved in conceptualizing or prototyping future technologies that could be pulled into a PCA program of record, but it requested $504 million in fiscal 2019 to push the effort forward, with investments projected to hit $3 billion in FY22.

  • Cette nuit en Asie : le Japon débloque 210 milliards pour s'offrir deux porte-avions et des chasseurs F-35

    December 19, 2018 | International, Aerospace

    Cette nuit en Asie : le Japon débloque 210 milliards pour s'offrir deux porte-avions et des chasseurs F-35

    YANN ROUSSEAU Tokyo a approuvé ce mardi un plan de programmation militaire qui comprend de gigantesques commandes aux industriels américains. Donald Trump devrait être ravi. Pékin est l'ennemi déclaré. Après avoir longtemps pris soin de peser ses mots pour ne pas heurter la sensibilité de son puissant voisin, le gouvernement japonais de Shinzo Abe explique désormais qu'il doit très rapidement réorganiser sa politique de sécurité pour répondre à l'inquiétante montée en puissance de la Chine dans la région. « Nous avons besoin de développer des capacités de défense véritablement efficaces plutôt que de simplement étendre nos capacités traditionnelles », prévient l'exécutif japonais dans son nouveau plan de programmation militaire approuvé ce mardi pour les cinq prochaines années. Si Tokyo pointe, dans son analyse de la géopolitique régionale, la menace des missiles balistiques intercontinentaux nord-coréens et l'activité russe au nord de l'archipel, il s'alarme avant tout de la pression chinoise dans les mers de la zone. Le texte évoque ainsi les activités militaires de Pékin en Mer de Chine orientale, où les deux pays se disputent la souveraineté de petits îlots , mais également les ambitions du régime chinois dans le Pacifique ou sur des mers plus au sud, où patrouillent de plus en plus de navires chinois. Le plan rappelle encore les investissements de la Chine dans les technologies militaires spatiales et la cyberguerre. 210 milliards d'euros de dépenses « L'inquiétude est forte », résume l'exécutif, qui estime que la nation ne peut plus, dès lors, se contenter, comme il le faisait depuis 1945, d'un simple système d'autodéfense dépendant des Etats-Unis. « Nous allons sécuriser, à la fois en quantité et en qualité, les systèmes de défense qui sont nécessaires afin de répondre au rapide changement de nos conditions de sécurité », a confirmé Yoshihide Suga, le porte-parole du gouvernement. Pour accélérer une remise à niveau de son armée, Tokyo se propose de dépenser sur les cinq prochaines années fiscales - à partir d'avril 2019 - 27.470 milliards de yens, soit 210 milliards d'euros, essentiellement en achats de nouveaux équipements militaires. Ce mardi, le gouvernement de Shinzo Abe a d'ailleurs annoncé une commande supplémentaire de 105 F-35 de l'américain Lockheed Martin, qui va venir s'ajouter à un récent achat de 42 avions de chasse de cette génération, destinés à remplacer, notamment, la vieille flotte de F-15. Dans le cadre de ce gigantesque contrat, le pays va se doter de plusieurs F-35 B, probablement dans leur version dite STOVL, qui permet des décollages courts ainsi que des appontages verticaux sur des porte-avions. Le pays a, en effet, formellement reconnu qu'il allait, pour la première fois depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, doter son armée de porte-avions . Les navires ne proviendront pas d'un coûteux et délicat développement ex nihilo mais résulteront d'une transformation de ses deux porte-hélicoptères, Izumo et Kaga, récemment mis en service. Leurs ponts de 248 mètres de long vont ainsi être réaménagés pour accueillir les nouveaux chasseurs. Réaction favorable attendue de Trump Tokyo va aussi acquérir deux versions terrestres du système de défense aérienne Aegis Ashore, qui pourraient notamment protéger son territoire d'éventuels missiles nord-coréens. Le pays prévoit également l'achat de quatre avions ravitailleurs KC-46 Pegasus produits par Boeing. Si Tokyo ne fait aucun commentaire public, ce mardi, sur la nationalité de tous ces fournisseurs, les analystes notent que ces gigantesques commandes passées à des géants américains vont ravir Donald Trump. A un moment où la Maison-Blanche s'agace du déficit commercial élevé des Etats-Unis avec le Japon. Yann Rousseau

  • “Innovations for FCAS”: Airbus concludes cooperative pilot phase with startup companies in Germany

    December 17, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    “Innovations for FCAS”: Airbus concludes cooperative pilot phase with startup companies in Germany

    Munich, 09 December 2020 – Airbus has concluded a pilot phase of the “Innovations for FCAS” (I4 FCAS) initiative which aims at involving German non-traditional defence players -covering startups, small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and research institutes- in the development of Future Combat Air System (FCAS). This initiative which was launched in April 2020 was funded by the German Ministry of Defence. “The initiative shows that FCAS does not compare with previous larger defence projects. By implementing young and innovative players, some of whom have never been in touch with the defence sector, we ensure to leverage all competencies available for a game-changing high-tech programme such as FCAS”, said Dirk Hoke, Chief Executive Officer of Airbus Defence and Space. “It will also foster technological spill-overs between the military and civil worlds. It is our ambition to continue the initiative in 2021 and beyond, and make it a cornerstone of our FCAS innovation strategy.” During the pilot phase, 18 innovative players worked on 14 projects in different areas, covering the whole range of FCAS elements: combat cloud, connectivity, new generation fighter, remote carriers, system of systems, sensors. Among these 14 projects, Airbus engineers have worked closely with SMEs and startups to achieve concrete results such as: · A first flight-test approved launcher of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) from of a transport aircraft. This project is the result of a cooperation between Airbus as A400M integrator, Geradts GmbH for the launcher and SFL GmbH from Stuttgart for UAV integration and supported by DLR simulations. An agile design and development approach allowed for rapid prototyping and flight readiness in only 6 months. · A secure combat cloud demonstrator: a first time transfer of secured operating systems into a cloud environment. Kernkonzept GmbH from Dresden together with Airbus CyberSecurity have shown how IT security can be used for highest security requirements on a governmental cloud system. · A demonstrator of applied artificial intelligence on radio frequency analysis. Hellsicht GmbH from Munich trained their algorithms on Airbus-provided datasets, allowing for a unique capability of real time fingerprinting of certain emitters, such as radars. As Europe's largest defence programme in the coming decades, FCAS aims at pushing the innovation and technological boundaries. Its development will bring disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, manned-unmanned teaming, combat cloud or cybersecurity to the forefront.

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