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February 22, 2024 | International, Naval

Cubic Awarded Contract from Naval Air Systems Command for KnightLink Systems

The KnightLink software provides a wide range of capabilities and video support including operational, vendor, flight test, laboratory aid and maintenance

On the same subject

  • David J. Bercuson: Why Japan is building its military, fast

    November 7, 2018 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    David J. Bercuson: Why Japan is building its military, fast

    David J. Bercuson With 18 diesel electric submarines, four so-called “helicopter destroyers” that look suspiciously like small aircraft carriers, 43 destroyers and destroyer escorts, 25 minesweepers and training ships, fleet oilers, submarine rescue ships and other vessels, Japan's navy — the Maritime Self-Defense Force — is the second largest in Asia and one of the largest in the world. It is also highly advanced technologically and is growing all the time. The two 27,000 ton Izumo-class helicopter destroyers, the largest in the fleet, with flat flight decks and islands on the starboard side of the vessels, are small compared to the United States Navy's Nimitz-class aircraft carriers (approximately 100,000 tons) or Britain's new Queen Elizabeth-class carriers (65,000 tons). But if equipped with the new short-take-off-and-vertical-landing F-35B stealth fighter they will still pack a powerful punch. And Japan is considering adding more of these aircraft carriers to its fleet and advanced U.S.-style Aegis class destroyers, capable of shooting down medium-range ballistic missiles. The irony in all of this is that Japan's post Second World War constitution still contains a provision — Article 9 — that prohibits it from possessing any offensive military capability. In the early 1950s, Japan began to build its self-defence forces and now has a powerful navy, a modern medium-sized air force that will soon fly the F-35 along with specially built F-15s, alongside more than 300 fighter aircraft and 50,000 personnel, and a growing land army and marine sea landing capability. Are these military assets “defensive” in nature? Partly, but aircraft carriers, high-speed destroyers, modern fighter aircraft and assault ships are surely as offensive as they are defensive. And Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made it plain that in less than two years, he intends to seek to change the Japanese constitution to drastically curtail any obligation Japan has to maintain a purely defensive capability. In other words, he will ask the Japanese people and legislature to bless what Japan has already done. That could be more problematic than people realize. Like Germany, Japan suffered greatly in the Second World War. Virtually all its great cities were levelled either with atomic bombs (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) or fire raids that were carried out by giant B-29 bombers at low altitude at night. The attacks burned the heart out of Japan's cities. In March 1945, 100,000 people were killed in one night in a fire raid on Tokyo and many acres of the city were burned to the ground. Submarine blockades of Japan drastically curtailed food and fuel supplies. Hundreds of thousands of Japanese soldiers were killed either in the United States' march across the Pacific or in the Russian invasion of Manchuria near the end of the war. Japan was a prostrate nation by the end of 1945 and its ancient system of government was a shambles. Full article:

  • Taiwan to start building first indigenous submarine before end of November

    November 5, 2020 | International, Naval

    Taiwan to start building first indigenous submarine before end of November

    by Gabriel Dominguez & Matteo Scarano The Republic of China Navy (RoCN) has announced that construction work on Taiwan's first locally designed and developed diesel-electric attack submarine (SSK) will begin before the end of November. The RoCN said in a 2 November statement that the island's new submarine-building facility, located in the southern port city of Kaohsiung, will become operational this month, with local naval shipbuilder CSBC Corporation expected to hold a ceremony to mark the beginning of production of the first of eight planned submarines. According to Taiwanese media, the first boat is slated for completion in the third quarter of 2024, with sea trials and commissioning scheduled for 2025. The boats will be built under the Indigenous Defence Submarine Programme, also known as the Hai Ch'ang programme. CSBC Corporation (formerly the China Shipbuilding Corporation) is Taiwan's largest shipbuilder and is partly owned by the state. It had broken ground on the new facility in May 2019 in a ceremony presided over by Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, who was quoted at the time as saying that the facility had become necessary because international submarine manufacturers “no longer dared sell” Taiwan submarines because of pressure from China, which regards Taiwan as a break-away province. As Janes reported, the corporation – and its development partner, the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) – were awarded a contract in 2017 to design and construct the submarines. The project is supported by a submarine development centre that CSBC inaugurated in 2016.

  • Lockheed Martin to supply 12 MH-60R helicopters to South Korean navy

    April 14, 2021 | International, Aerospace

    Lockheed Martin to supply 12 MH-60R helicopters to South Korean navy

    Lockheed Martin has secured a USD447.2 million contract for the production of 12 MH-60R Seahawk multirole naval helicopters for the Republic of Korea Navy (RoKN). The US Department of Defense (DoD) announced on 12 April that work on the Fore...

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