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February 11, 2021 | International, Aerospace, Security

CAE awarded contract to provide U.S. Customs & Border Protection with aircraft pilot training services

On Feb. 9 at the CAE OneWorld virtual conference and tradeshow, CAE announced that CAE USA has been awarded a contract to provide United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) with Aircraft Pilot Training Services.

CAE USA will serve as one of the prime contractors on the indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) contract awarded by CBP. CAE USA will leverage the CAE Dothan Training Center and CAE's commercial and business aviation training centers to deliver simulator and live flight training services on a range of fixed-wing and rotary-wing platforms.

CAE is featuring a 3D virtual walkthrough of its Dothan Training Center in the Innovation Hub as part of the CAE OneWorld 2021 virtual conference and tradeshow, which began today and is free to all attendees who register at CAE OneWorld 2021 will be available online for the next month.

CBP is the unified border agency within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security charged with the management, control and protection of the United States borders. CBP is one of the world's largest law enforcement organizations.

“The award of the Aircraft Pilot Training Services program for Customs and Border Protection demonstrates CAE's unique ability to leverage both our defense and civil aviation businesses to deliver pilot training across numerous aircraft platforms,” said Dan Gelston, Group President, Defense & Security, CAE. “We look forward to supporting a key organization within the Department of Homeland Security and showcasing CAE's training experience and expertise.”

CAE USA will be responsible for coordinating and delivering generic and aircraft-specific training to meet CBP and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certifications for pilots operating a variety of fixed and rotary-wing aircraft. CAE will deliver ground school (academic) and simulator training as well as live flight and other training to meet CBP and FAA requirements. Training will be delivered on multiple variants of the Beechcraft King Air (C-12) aircraft, Bombardier Dash-8 and Lockheed Martin/Sikorsky S-76B helicopter.

In addition, CAE will deliver a range of flight instructor qualification and non-specific pilot and aircrew training courses. These include single and multi-engine fundamentals, ab-initio training and upset recovery training.

This press release was prepared and distributed by CAE.

On the same subject

  • Pentagon, Industry Struggle To Chart Impacts Of COVID On Arsenal

    April 22, 2020 | International, Naval

    Pentagon, Industry Struggle To Chart Impacts Of COVID On Arsenal

    "I think a three month slow-down in program activity is an optimistic projection based on the level of damage the economy is currently sustaining." By PAUL MCLEARYon April 21, 2020 at 3:33 PM WASHINGTON: Defense industry and Pentagon leaders are struggling to assess what impact the COVID-19 pandemic will have on building and maintaining the global US arsenal, but early assessments agree there'll be some disruption and delay as the global economy teeters. How much, how long, and where those disruptions will occur are something of an open question. With massive supply chains across the globe that run from small mom and pop manufacturing shops to massive global conglomerates, there's no one formula to assess what will happen to the industrial base in the weeks and months to come. On Monday, Pentagon acquisition chief Ellen Lord said she expects the largest programs to see three-month delays, but some analysts say that assessment could be too rosy. “I think a three month slow-down in program activity is an optimistic projection based on the level of damage the economy is currently sustaining,” said Andrew Hunter, former chief of staff to two heads of Pentagon acquisition. Hunter is now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The designation of the defense industry as critical infrastructure has ensured that shipyards, factories, and shops have generally remained open, as workers stagger shifts and companies provide liberal leave and teleworking where possible. That has placed the defense industry in a good position relative to other parts of the economy. But the supply chain those companies rely on “is tightly interlinked with the commercial economy, especially the aviation and automotive sectors, and this will transmit a degree of economic disruption into defense in the coming months,” Hunter said. Lord singled out the aerospace sector, along with shipyards and space launch as areas most at risk of slowdown and disruption. So far, though, the Navy and its largest shipbuilder say they're mostly working through the issues, and are staying away from putting a specific length of time on any delays. “We do not have a list of programs that are delayed, but as Ms. Lord and [Navy acquisition head James] Guerts have both said, while it's too soon to identify specific delays, generally we are expecting and planning for program disruptions,” Navy spokesman Capt. Danny Hernandez told me in an email. Geurts has moved to accelerate funding for some work and parts supplies so industry can eventually ramp up once the entire workforce is back on the job. Speaking to reporters last week, Geurts said over the “next three four weeks we'll get a better view of the exact delay and disruption and then how we might mitigate that, or quite frankly, where do we have opportunities where we can accelerate things” due to some excess capacity in the supply base because it's not being consumed by commercial aviation or shipbuilding. At the country's largest shipbuilder, Huntington Ingalls, company executives told me recently they're not seeing significant reductions in the number of parts they're receiving. “We are working with a few critical suppliers that are having challenges, but I think for the most part are going to be able to get through that,” said Lucas Hicks, vice president of new construction aircraft carrier programs. “We have reached out to all the suppliers and are working with them to try to help them.” There will be some pain, though how much is up for debate. Analyst Byron Callan of Capital Alpha Partners said in a note Monday that a three-month impact might not force companies to drastically change their expectations for the whole year. Any slippages this spring “could conceivably be made up in subsequent months, but that may be a challenge. Contractors could sustain prior guidance and just call out COVID-19 as a risk for the full year, or drop guidance altogether. No one has a perfect crystal ball.” Hawk Carlisle, president of the National Defense Industrial Association, said on a Monday conference call organized by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America that the slowdown in the global economy “is going to cause things to cost more, whether it's service agreements or products and manufacturing capability.” He's looking to the next congressional stimulus package for an acknowledgment “that these programs are going to exceed budget,” he added, “because of this two to three months of delays, partial workforce, paying the workforce, inability to perform on contract.” But Hunter thinks, so far, the Pentagon has handled the situation as well as can be expected: “To the department's credit, they have been aggressively looking for issues in the supply chain, which means that Ms. Lord's estimate becomes a lot more likely if they succeed in staying ahead of these problems.”

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  • Le futur avion de combat européen franchit une étape décisive

    February 13, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    Le futur avion de combat européen franchit une étape décisive

    Les députés allemands ont validé, ce mercredi 12 février, le décollage du futur avion de combat européen, censé remplacer à terme Rafale et Eurofighter et donner une nouvelle dynamique à l'Europe de la défense. Mais avec certaines conditions. Les députés allemands ont validé mercredi le projet du futur avion de combat européen, censé remplacer à terme Rafale et Eurofighter et donner une nouvelle dynamique à l'Europe de la défense, mais avec certaines conditions. Au terme de plusieurs mois de rivalités politico-industrielles entre l'Allemagne et la France, les membres de la commission du Budget du Bundestag ont donné leur aval au déblocage de 77 millions d'euros de crédits pour lancer la première grande étape du projet franco-allemand, auquel s'est joint l'Espagne. Les élus de la majorité - conservateurs et sociaux-démocrates- ont voté pour, de même que l'extrême droite. Ecologistes, extrême gauche ont voté contre. Cette manne doit permettre de financer des études en vue de la construction d'ici 2026 d'un démonstrateur de l'avion de combat européen de nouvelle génération (dit NGF ou « New Generation Fighter »).Les montants en jeu sont certes limités par rapport à l'enveloppe globale du programme mais l'étape de mercredi était essentielle, un vote négatif risquant de tout remettre en cause. « Nous ne voulons pas détériorer les relations franco-allemandes » Selon plusieurs sources parlementaires, la commission va majoritairement approuver malgré des réticences les crédits. « Nous allons le faire car nous ne voulons pas détériorer les relations franco-allemandes, et ce juste avant la venue du président français Emmanuel Macron ce week-end en Allemagne pour la Conférence sur la sécurité de Munich », a expliqué le rapporteur du projet à la commission du Budget, Rainer Brandl. Mais les élus allemands, qui depuis le début craignent que les partenaires industriels français soient trop dominateurs dans le projet, comptent poser des conditions. Ils veulent en particulier qu'un autre projet militaire franco-allemand d'envergure, le programme de char MGCS (Main Ground Combat System), dont les Allemands doivent être chefs de file, progresse au même rythme que celui de l'avion du futur. L'avion doit entrer en action vers 2040 Les deux projets doivent avancer « en parallèle », indique leur projet de résolution, obtenu par l'Agence France Presse (AFP). « Le programme de l'avion de chasse, piloté par les Français, progresse vite, alors que celui du char est à la traîne », décrypte un parlementaire allemand sous couvert de l'anonymat. En cause notamment : les difficultés des industriels allemands du secteur de l'armement à se mettre d'accord entre eux sur la répartition du « g'teau ». Les députés demandent aussi des garanties pour que les intérêts des entreprises allemandes du secteur technologies soient mieux pris en compte dans le développement du projet. L'avion, qui doit entrer en action vers 2040, est la pièce maîtresse du programme SCAF (Système de Combat Aérien du Futur) associant en outre des drones et de futurs missiles de croisière. Le vote positif attendu ouvrira la voie à la notification des contrats aux industriels impliqués dans le projet, notamment Dassault, Airbus ou encore Thales. Et relancera un programme qui patinait. La ministre française des Armées, Florence Parly, a mis la pression le 5 février à Strasbourg sur les parlementaires allemands. Paris et Berlin ont la « responsabilité » de « construire cette Europe de la Défense », a-t-elle lancé, en soulignant que le vote des députés du Bundestag aura une importance décisive et enverra un « signal politique fort ». Un accord entre le Français Safran et l'Allemand MTU Le projet avait déjà franchi une étape importante en décembre. Un accord avait été trouvé entre les motoristes français Safran et allemand MTU sur la répartition industrielle des travaux de développement du moteur du futur avion. Les deux sociétés étaient notamment convenues de la création d'une société commune 50/50. Depuis la répartition des t'ches entre Safran et MTU, plusieurs acteurs côté allemand, dont des membres du Bundestag, ont cherché à revenir en leur faveur sur cet accord. « Derrière le nom barbare de 'SCAF' se cache le projet qui conditionne le futur de l'aéronautique de combat française et européenne, ainsi que l'affirmation d'une politique de défense pour renforcer la sécurité du continent », soulignait récemment Jean-Pierre Maulny, directeur adjoint de l'Institut des relations internationales stratégiques (Iris). Le sujet devrait être abordé samedi à Munich par Emmanuel Macron, qui vient de proposer que les Européens, Allemagne notamment, soient associés à la force de dissuasion nucléaire française, en participant par exemple à des exercices.

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