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July 30, 2021 | International, Aerospace

Britain inks $347 million contract with Team Tempest for future fighter jet

With the contract signed between the government and BAE Systems — one of the four founding members of Team Tempest — the Future Combat Air System program has entered its concept and assessment phase.

On the same subject

  • Le dernier contrat militaire marocain suscite la vigilance en Espagne

    April 2, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    Le dernier contrat militaire marocain suscite la vigilance en Espagne

    Le développement militaire que connaît le Maroc semble inquiéter les milieux espagnols concernés. Le journal El Confidencial lui consacre un long article. Médias24 fait une lecture critique de cette analyse espagnole. “Il n'y a plus de doute: le réarmement du Maroc est important, progressif et, même s'il est encore loin des effectifs de l'armée espagnole, il s'en rapproche de plus en plus. Le dernier achat d'armes du pays voisin confirme cette tendance: 25 nouveaux chasseurs F-16 et la modernisation de 23 autres“. C'est ainsi que commence l'article espagnol. Le ton est vite donné. La tendance générale de l'article consiste à attirer l'attention sur l'armement marocain et sa modernisation, tout en minimisant certains aspects. Par exemple, le Maroc aura 384 chars Abrams et non pas 200 comme indiqué. Le premier lot étant un A1 version SA à la marocaine. On peut considérer que ce premier lot est au même niveau que les derniers chars Leopard E de l'armée espagnole, avec des capacités technologiques, un blindage et des munitions dernier cri. Le deuxième lot Abrams sera constitué des A2. Les changements demandés par les FAR le situent au-dessus de son standard habituel ! Le Maroc surpassera avec ce lot, les capacités des blindés espagnols. Pour ce qui concerne les chars que l'auteur de l'article qualifie d'"obsolètes" en parlant des M60A3, T72 et MBT2000/VT1, il s'agit des chars de soutien qui peuvent faire mal aux blindés et transporteurs de troupes espagnols. Le Maroc dispose de plusieurs unités dites "Bataillons de Soutien Matériels", rodées pour le soutien logistique des troupes et matériels, réglant le problème de la maintenance et des pièces de rechange. Pour ce qui concerne l'aviation : En optant pour les F-16 avec AESA, le Maroc surpasse largement les capacités de l'aviation de chasse espagnole. L'auteur de l'article affirme que les capacités des Eurofighters/Typhoon dépassent celles des F16 avec l'argument que la plateforme des F-16 est ancienne et que les pilotes marocains ne sont pas bien formés ! En réalité, la plateforme de base des F-16 a évolué pour leur donner des capacités aérodynamiques plus agiles, et une signature radar dite RCS plus réduite, la petite taille de l'avion étant toujours en sa faveur. Par ailleurs, les pilotes marocains ont toujours eu une formation de très haut niveau, et sont réputés être de bons chasseurs. Exemple : Lors du dernier exercice Atlas 2018, les chasseurs espagnols ont utilisé leur fleuron, l'Eurofighter ! Ils ont pris une sacré défaite avec un score 5-1 en faveur des F-16 marocains, tout en faisant match nul 3-3 contre les Mirage F1 marocains. Dans les années 80, lors des manœuvres gigantesques organisées par les USA au Maroc, appelées Majestic Eagle, les avions Mirage marocains ont pu dépasser les défenses et la chasse américaine à deux reprises et toucher le porte-avion américain à la surprise totale des officiers américains qui découvraient pour la premier fois la plateforme Mirage. Autre erreur : l'auteur avance que les réservoirs supplémentaires dits CFT qui équipent les F16 des FRA, impactent leur agilité. En réalité, ceci a été démenti preuves à l'appui, par l'ensemble des pays utilisateurs notamment les pays de l'OTAN. Pour tout le reste, l'analyse est correcte. Le Maroc a effectivement par rapport à l'Espagne, un très grand retard en termes de marine de combat.

  • Project Convergence: Linking Army Missile Defense, Offense, & Space

    May 19, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Project Convergence: Linking Army Missile Defense, Offense, & Space

    The Army wants to do a tech demonstration in the southwestern desert – COVID permitting – of how the new weapons systems it's developing can share data. By SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR. WASHINGTON: As the Army urgently develops its 31 top-priority technologies for future war, service leaders are studying a proposal to field-test some of them together later this year, Army officials told me. The technology demonstration, known as Project Convergence, is still tentative, a spokesperson for the Army's Pentagon headquarters cautioned me. There's no guarantee it will even happen this year, in no small part because the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted field testing, wargames, and training exercises across the Army. If it does happen, it's far from settled which systems will be involved. Nevertheless, from what I've gleaned, Project Convergence will probably try to form a “sensor-to-shooter” network that shares data between systems being developed in at least three of the Army's Big Six modernization portfolios: Long-Range Precision Fires, the Army's No. 1 modernization priority, which aims to rebuild the artillery with new long-range cannons and surface-to-surface missiles to hit ground targets; The Army Network, priority No. 4, which will link Army units using everything from software-defined digital radios to new Low Earth Orbit satellites; and Air & Missile Defense, priority No. 5, which is developing its own specialized, high-speed network, IBCS, to relay targeting data on fast-flying threats with split-second accuracy. I've not heard specifically about systems from the Army's other three major modernization portfolios: armored vehicles (priority No. 2), high-speed aircraft (No. 3), and soldier gear (No. 6). But the Army envisions all of them as sharing intelligence over the network. “The Next Generation Ground Vehicle is an important sensor and observer for Long-Range Precision Fires,” said Brig. Gen. John Rafferty, the LRPF director at Army Futures Command. “Same with Future Vertical Lift, same with the Army's space strategy led by APNT, and the network enables all of this.” In fact, the Army ultimately wants to connect its units to the Air Force, Marines, Navy, and Space Force through a future network-of-networks called JADC2. That's short for Joint All-Domain Command & Control, a vision of seamlessly coordinating operations across the five official “domains”: land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace. “We have to make sure that what we technically demonstrate later this year fits into a larger JADC2 architecture,” Rafferty told me in a recent interview. “I view this as kind of the ground portion of JADC2. How do we meet JADC2 in the middle? We're going to start from the ground up, they're going from space down.” “We have to have a capability to converge these different systems at the decisive place and time,” he said. “We have to have a network.” Many of the necessary network technologies are ones under consideration for what's called Capability Set 23, a package of network upgrades set to enter service in three years. The first round of upgrades, CS 21, goes to infantry units next year. But CS 23, focused on far-ranging armored formations, aims to add extensive new long-range communication capabilities using Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) and Mid-Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites. “Every two years we're developing a new set of kit that we deliver as part of those capability sets,” Col. Shane Taylor told last week's C4ISRnet online conference. “We've got Project Convergence that we're working with the Network CFT this fall out in the desert, and you're gonna see a lot of MEO work out there.” Taylor works for Program Executive Office (PEO) Command, Control, & Communications – Tactical (C3T), which is independent, by law, of Army Futures Command but works closely with it to develop and build the network. Satellites are essential to connect units that can't form direct radio links because of intervening mountains, buildings, or the horizon itself. But LEO and MEO are particularly valuable for communications, because they can relay signals with less lag and greater bandwidth than high-altitude satellites in Geosynchronous (GEO) orbits. “In some cases, it's almost having fiber optic cable through a space-based satellite link,” Army Futures Command's network director, Maj. Gen. Peter Gallagher, told me in a recent interview. That kind of network capacity is particularly crucial for connecting “sensors to shooters.” Sure, old-fashioned radio or more modern chat-style systems work okay for reporting where a unit is moving or what supplies are running low. But targeting data, especially for moving targets, requires much more precision and becomes out of date much more quickly. “It's the second oldest challenge for artillery,” Rafferty told me, ever since 19th century cannon began to shoot over the horizon at targets their gunners couldn't see. “The oldest challenge is shooting farther, the second challenge is the sensor to shooter part: How do you minimize the time between the observation of the target and the delivery of the effects?” For the longest-range new weapons the Army is developing, like ground-based hypersonic missiles and thousand-mile superguns, the sensor-to-shooter problem is even harder, because the Army doesn't have any sensors that can see that far. Nor does it intend to build them: The service's deputy chief of staff for intelligence, Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier, has said publicly the Army doesn't need its own reconnaissance satellites. So while the Army is buying new Grey Eagle -Extended Range scout drones with an estimated range of 200 miles, longer-range shots will rely on Space Force satellites and Air Force and Navy reconnaissance planes to spot targets. Another potential source of information for long-range offensive fires, Rafferty said, is the Army's air and missile defense force. While air and missile defense radars are designed to track flying targets, they can also often calculate where missiles and artillery shells are being fired from, and those enemy batteries are prime targets for the Army's own long-range weapons. It's also much easier to blow up an enemy launcher on the ground – ideally before it fires – rather than try to shoot down projectiles in flight, so, where possible, the best missile defense is a good offense. “I started to really think about this a few years ago when I did an exercise in Europe, called the Austere Challenge, when I was still a brigade commander,” Rafferty told me. “It was an eye-opening exercise for me because I'd never really operated at the theater level.... I started to see the importance of that teamwork between the theater-level [offensive] fires and the theater-level air defense systems.” Training and modernization for both offensive and defense fires are based out of Fort Sill, Okla. “We're lucky because the Air and Missile Defense Cross Functional Team is right downstairs,” Rafferty said. Rafferty's counterpart for air and missile defense is Brig. Gen. Brian Gibson. “It's about connections and access to the data,” Gibson told me in a recent interview. “Sharing the right data with the right user at the right time, along latency timelines that are useful... is really where the trick to this puzzle lies.” “The most important part,” Gibson said, “where most of the work has gone on, is to understand where the linkages need to occur” between the Army's general-purpose Integrated Tactical Network (ITN) – that's what CS 21 and CS 23 are building — and the specialized, high-performance network for air and missile defense, IBCS. As hard as it is to hit a moving target on the ground, it's exponentially more difficult to hit one in the air, especially a supersonic cruise missile or ballistic missile moving at many times the speed of sound. If your targeting data is a millisecond out of date, you may miss entirely. So, explained Gibson and his acquisition program partner, Maj. Gen. Robert Rasch (PEO Missiles & Space), you can't add anything to the IBCS network without making very sure it won't slow that data down. But IBCS can certainly output the data it's already collecting for other systems to use, including long-range precision fires. “They can be a consumer of IBCS,” Rasch told me. And since ground targets don't move as fast as missiles, he said, IBCS wouldn't have to send updates to offensive artillery batteries at the same frenetic pace that air and missile defense units require. “It doesn't have to be in milliseconds,” he said. “It can be in seconds.” Yes, seconds seem like a long time in missile defense, but to someone shooting at ground targets, that's lightning-quick. “We've got great opportunities to leverage IBCS,” Rafferty said. “The way I view it, that's another sensor, with very capable radars, and that integrated air defense network is reliable and fast.”

  • Big moves ahead on light tank, Bradley replacement and robot vehicles

    December 28, 2023 | International, Security

    Big moves ahead on light tank, Bradley replacement and robot vehicles

    Added firepower, better troop protection and robotic escorts add punch to ground combat.

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