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April 5, 2018 | International, Aerospace

Avion de combat : la France et l'Allemagne veulent travailler ensemble


Les ministres de la Défense française et allemande souhaiteraient réaliser ensemble un « système de combat aérien du futur ». Un projet pour remplacer à terme les Rafale et les Eurofighter.

C'est une visite importante pour les industriels du secteur. La ministre de la défense allemande, Ursula von der Leyen, vient ce jeudi à Paris rencontrer son homologue Florence Parly. Après cinq mois sans gouvernement, la ministre, confirmée à son poste par Angela Merkel, devrait maintenir l'agenda de coopération bilatérale défini lors du conseil des ministres franco-allemand du 13 juillet dernier. Notamment pour la réalisation en commun d'un grand nombre d'équipements militaires du futur : avions de combat, drones, chars...

Vers un avion de combat franco-allemand

L'engagement de la ministre est important alors que le SPD, traditionnellement hostile aux interventions militaires et aux exportations d'armes, a imposé en partie ses réticences dans le programme de gouvernement du quatrième mandat d'Angela Merkel. Toutefois, depuis juillet, les administrations et les états-majors des armées ont maintenu leurs travaux, ce qui permettra à Florence Parly et Ursula von der Leyen d'annoncer la réalisation en coopération du « système de combat aérien du futur », probablement un ensemble d'avions pilotés et de drones, voire d'outils de défense sol-air ou air-air, lors du Salon aéronautique de Berlin qui démarre le 25 avril.

A cette occasion, les deux ministres signeront ensemble un document réalisé par les états-majors français et allemand sur leurs besoins futurs. « Ce document est essentiel pour exprimer les besoins des armées, et sera ensuite décliné entre les industriels français et allemands (Dassault, Safran, MBDA, Airbus, etc.) pour converger peu à peu vers une feuille de route pour construire le système d'avion de chasse qui remplacera à l'horizon 2040 les Eurofighters de l'armée allemande et les Rafale de l'armée française », explique l'entourage de Florence Parly.

La Grande-Bretagne en attente

Un sujet majeur pour la survie de l'industrie aéronautique européenne et un symbole très fort de la nouvelle volonté de la France et de l'Allemagne de renforcer l'Europe de la défense. Si l'Allemagne et la France parviennent à travailler de concert sur l'avion de chasse de 5e génération, la probabilité que l'Allemagne choisisse l'avion de combat américain F-35 de Lockheed-Martin pour remplacer ses vieux Tornado s'éloigne. A l'hôtel de Brienne, on estime possible de faire converger les études des différents industriels jusqu'à la définition d'un projet concret en 2019.

Pas question de répéter les erreurs de l'avion de transport militaire A400M. L'Allemagne et la France veulent d'abord bien définir le projet avant d'ouvrir le projet à d'autres pays. D'autant plus que la Grande-Bretagne, empêtrée dans ses problèmes de Brexit, ne semble plus vouloir poursuivre le projet de drone de combat du futur engagé avec Dassault et BAE, ce qui oblige à une redéfinition des enjeux.

Des drones européens en 2025

Une autre coopération est en bonne voie : le futur eurodrone de moyenne altitude et de longue endurance (MALE), piloté par l'Allemagne en association avec Airbus, Dassault et Leonardo, qui doit aboutir à un contrat de réalisation l'an prochain en vue d'une livraison vers 2025.

Ce projet, dont le développement sera essentiellement financé par le Fonds européen de défense en discussion à Bruxelles, doit permettre à l'Europe de regagner une part de souveraineté, alors qu'elle doit aujourd'hui acquérir des drones Reapers américains pour sécuriser ses opérations extérieures. La France s'engagerait à acquérir 12 eurodrones (4 systèmes de trois drones) à partir de 2025.

Le tabou des exportations

D'autres coopérations sont en cours, à court terme pour la modernisation des hélicoptères Tigre, le partage des données satellitaires ou la communication et à long terme pour définir le char de combat qui remplacera les Leclerc français et les Leopard allemands.

La volonté franco-allemande de renforcer l'Europe de la défense, notamment en collaborant pour rationaliser l'industrie de l'armement européenne, demeure. Toutefois, un sujet de fond n'est pour l'instant toujours pas traité : la possibilité ou non d'harmoniser les règles d'exportation. Un sujet essentiel pour l'avenir des projets communs, à l'heure où le Parlement allemand souhaite interdire les ventes d'armes en Arabie saoudite pour protester contre ses agissements au Yemen.

Anne Bauer

On the same subject

  • In chaos, there’s opportunity … and that’s bad news

    April 27, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    In chaos, there’s opportunity … and that’s bad news

    James Yeager This year is only four months old and it's already one for the history books — and not in a great way. As the defense community works in tandem with the broader government to keep citizens safe and healthy, cybersecurity threats are only becoming more aggressive. If we've learned anything about cyber adversaries, it's that they will seize on any opportunity to gain an advantage in targeting their victims, including exploiting the fears of the public during a global pandemic. As COVID-19 has moved from the East to the West, adversaries have followed suit, using lures that play into people's desperation for information on the disease. In “The Art of War,” Sun-Tzu said“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” The COVID-19 virus is infecting more than just people. The pandemic has created chaos and handed adversaries an irresistible opportunity to exploit the situation to gain entry into our networks, whether that's to steal intellectual property, disrupt operations, or gain a strategic advantage if they are a nation-state actor. Already, we are seeing an increase in phishing campaigns using COVID-19 as a hook to launch malware in emails disguised as alerts. Particularly vulnerable are the thousands of remote workers — government employees and contractors alike — who are using their own home networks, which are largely less sophisticated and secure than their work environments. The stakes are high, particularly for those in defense jobs, where an errant click can have devastating consequences. Coincidently, 2020 is the year when the DoD's Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification has grown teeth and will force more than 300,000 defense contractors to up their cybersecurity game or face bottom-line consequences. Now is not the time to make mistakes. In CrowdStrike's recent Global Threat Report, we captured and analyzed real-world inputs from observed trends in cyber-attacks on commercial and government enterprises. The following are some of the notable attack vectors and trends we observed across the public sector during 2019: An escalation in ransom demands, including ransomware attacks on defense supply chain providers, schools and local municipalities. Surpassing the volume of malware attacks are malware-free attacks that use code which executes from memory or stolen login credentials. Continued state-sponsored targeted intrusions aimed at the government and defense sector. In fact, we have witnessed adversaries exploiting fear around COVID-19 to socially engineer their way to user credentials and sensitive data. In the months ahead, I contend we'll see many more of the same tactics from the same bad actors: Russia, China and newer players on the block, such as Iran, which has leveraged U.S. social media platforms to develop information operations campaigns. Amidst massive change, periodic chaos and long-term disruption, the defense community — government and industry — must put a premium on speed. Speed to detect. Speed to investigate. Speed to mitigate. We recommend that agencies and companies implement cybersecurity practices that follow the 1-10-60 Rule: detect intrusions within 1 minute; investigate and gain a comprehensive understanding of the attack within 10 minutes; and contain and remove the threatening adversary from the network within 60 minutes. This benchmark will limit the damage caused by inevitable attacks. Yes, inevitable. Cyberattacks are a constant and while building a bigger, wider and thicker wall may help keep bad actors out, they are persistent and determined enough to eventually get in, and when they do, you're on the clock. This year will only get worse as the impacts of COVID-19 will be deep, damaging and long-lasting. We're all faced with loss and uncertainty as we attempt to recover from the global pandemic. For the defense community, there is no time to recover and regroup. You are already on the clock, as those who wish to do our nation harm are already hard at work.

  • FLIR Surveillance awarded $12.6M for sensors aboard littoral combat ships

    August 19, 2019 | International, Naval

    FLIR Surveillance awarded $12.6M for sensors aboard littoral combat ships

    Aug. 16 (UPI) -- FLIR Surveillance Inc. received a $12.6 million contract for supplies, repairs and upgrades to sensor systems aboard U.S. Navy littoral combat ships. The contract, announced Thursday by the Defense Department, refers to FLIR's Saffire III Electro-Optics Sensor Systems. The systems offer image stabilization, long-range and thermal imaging and color and low-light cameras. The systems are useful in search and rescue operations, reconnaissance, border and coastal patrol and target identification, the manufacturer said. Thousands of the ball-shaped 22-pound systems, which attach to horizontal planes of a vessel or aircraft, have been affixed to helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, as well as on the shallow-water littoral combat ships. The unit includes an optional sensor system for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear detection. In May, the company received a $48.1 million contract with the U.S. Army for reconnaissance vehicle sensor suite upgrades. Work in the new contract is expected to be completed by August 2024.

  • New Swiss defense chief orders second opinion on huge air-defense revamp

    March 1, 2019 | International, Aerospace, Land

    New Swiss defense chief orders second opinion on huge air-defense revamp

    By: Sebastian Sprenger COLOGNE, Germany — Switzerland's new defense chief, Viola Amherd, has intervened in the course of the multibillion-dollar “Air 2030” program, tasking a former Swiss astronaut with critiquing its underlying premises. Claude Nicollier, an astrophysicist and former military pilot, has until the end of April to review a 2017 expert report on the $8 billion project to buy a new fleet of fighter aircraft and ground-based air-defense gear. The second opinion is expected to delay the political process for the program. Technical evaluations of contractor offerings will proceed as planned this spring and summer, the defense ministry said in a statement. Former defense chief Guy Parmelin had planned to present a full program and investment plan for Air 2030 to parliament in February. Government officials still want to subject the proposal to a referendum in 2020. Replacing the country's decades-old F/A-18 and F-5 jets will eat up the lion's share of the program, at roughly $6 billion. The rest will go to new, ground-based, air and missile defense weapons. The envisioned concept of operations dictates that a fleet of 30 or 40 aircraft will intercept those targets outside of the ground weapons' range. Officials want enough capacity to have four planes in the air at any given time during crises. Defense ministry spokesman Renato Kalbermatten told Defense News that Nicollier's scope for critiquing the 2017 expert report is wide open, which means anything from aircraft numbers to cost is open for scrutiny. It is not expected, however, that the review will question the overall need for the program, he said. Notably, a reassessment of the threats expected to be countered by the modernization program is part of Nicollier's mandate. Swiss officials received offers from five aircraft makers on Jan. 25: Airbus with its Eurofighter, Boeing's F/18 Super Hornet, Dassault's Rafale, Lockheed Martin's F-35A and Saab's Gripen E. In the ground-based interceptor portion of the program, the Eurosam consortium is expected to offer its SAMP/T; Israel's Rafael is pitching David's Sling; and Raytheon wants to sell its Patriot system. The three vendors met with Swiss industry representatives earlier this month in preparation for a requirement to offer offset deals worth 100 percent of the eventual contract. Those deals are meant to benefit a broad section of Swiss industries, including the country's famed watchmakers, according to Armasuisse, the country's defense acquisition office.

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