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September 16, 2022 | Local, Land

As Ukraine war rages on, U.S. examines whether Canadian firms can replenish ammunition stockpiles

The U.S. wants to gather information on firms to determine which might be able to help build 12,000 rounds of 155mm ammunition a month.

On the same subject

  • Government expects to award contract for new fighter jet fleet in 2022 (but admits it could face delays)

    April 26, 2019 | Local, Aerospace

    Government expects to award contract for new fighter jet fleet in 2022 (but admits it could face delays)

    DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN Though the federal government expects to award a contract for a new fleet of fighter jets in 2022, it admits that schedule is aggressive and could yet face further delays. A request for bids to provide 88 new jets to the Royal Canadian Air Force will be released next month, according to a new update on major Department of National Defence projects released Wednesday, with the proposals to be evaluated by 2021 and a contract to be awarded a year later. But in the update DND also admits that timeline is tenuous. “The approved schedule is considered very aggressive,” it said. “The project team is managing a number of risks which have the potential to impact schedule.” The document doesn't outline the specific risks but DND officials have acknowledged that government negotiations with private contractors on the industrial benefits that are to be linked to the project could cause delays. The Liberals have committed to purchasing the new jets in a program expected to cost up to $19 billion. The competition was launched on Dec. 12, 2017, and Canada expects to examine four different fighter jets as candidates for the RCAF's new fleet. The project team is managing a number of risks which have the potential to impact schedule The first of the jets is expected to be delivered in the mid-2020s, with the full capability available in the early 2030s, according to the DND document. The document also outlines the plan to purchase used Australian F-18s in the interim, which the RACF will use to boost the capability of its current fleet of CF-18s until the new generation aircraft are in service. The first of the Australian jets has already been delivered, with final delivery set for the end of 2021, according to the update. However, the parliamentary budget officer has found this interim solution could cost more than $1 billion, and the auditor general's office has pointed out that the air force is lacking pilots and maintenance crews for the planes it already operates. Wednesday's DND update points out success stories as well as challenges with some of DND's multi-billion dollar projects. Some programs, such as the purchase of Chinook helicopters and tactical armoured patrol vehicles, are completed or are nearing completion with few problems. A new $2-billion program to buy heavy trucks is among those expected to be proceed without issues. Canada also expects to award a contact next year for a mid-life upgrade of the fleet of Cormorant search-and-rescue helicopters, and the conversion of former U.S. presidential helicopters so they can join the flight line for rescue operations. But the report warns there could be problems with other upcoming projects such as the purchase of a fleet of drones. It noted that there might not be enough procurement staff with the required expertise to move that program forward on schedule. The department hopes to deal with the problem by hiring contractors. A draft invitation to qualify for that project was released April 5 and a contact is expected to be awarded in 2022, the document said. The first of a fleet of new fixed-wing search-and-rescue aircraft, meanwhile, are to be delivered in December. The first plane will be sent to 19 Wing Comox, B.C. in the spring of 2020. The 16 new planes will be phased in between 2020 and 2022. But DND acknowledged it is keeping an eye on the potential that schedule could be affected because of the “complexities associated with transitioning to the new fleet while maintaining the current search and rescue posture.” In addition, DND is keeping watch on problems with its new upgraded light armoured vehicles. Though the vehicles have been delivered on time, some technical issues will be fixed through a retrofit program. There have also been problems with software design and qualification of components in another new fleet of armoured vehicles that will be used for battlefield surveillance, the first of which is to be delivered next year. The first new supply ship for the Royal Canadian Navy, being built in Vancouver, is expected in 2023 but won't be ready for operations until a year later. The delivery of the second supply ship “is currently under review,” the update added. In the meantime, the navy has access to MV Asterix, the supply ship at the heart of the court case involving Vice-Admiral Mark Norman. That ship, currently being leased to the navy by Quebec firm Davie Shipbuilding, was delivered on time and on budget and is considered a procurement success story.

  • Ukraine war highlights the Canadian military’s urgent need for a lifeline

    April 14, 2022 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Ukraine war highlights the Canadian military’s urgent need for a lifeline

    The Liberals have ignored the historic opportunity the war in Ukraine is presenting Canadian Defence Minister Anita Anand to revitalize Canada’s military. The $8 billion in additional funding announced for defence as part of the 2022 federal budget doesn’t come close to resolving the military’s funding crisis, let alone meet NATO’s two per cent funding […]

  • La quadrature du cercle de Trudeau

    February 12, 2018 | Local, Aerospace

    La quadrature du cercle de Trudeau

    ÉDITORIAL / Gouverner, c'est choisir. Ça ne fait pas que des heureux. Ça commence à donner des soucis à Justin Trudeau. Il n'y a pas d'issue facile à certains des litiges auxquels son gouvernement est confronté. L'exercice du pouvoir nourrit les rangs des mécontents ; à un moment donné, ils deviennent assez nombreux pour vous battre aux élections. Les libéraux n'en sont pas encore là, mais le premier ministre doit faire attention à l'accumulation d'accusations contre son gouvernement. Hier, le Canada a vu un contrat de 233 millions $ lui filer entre les doigts ; les Philippines ont annulé l'achat de 16 hélicoptères de l'usine québécoise Bell Helicopter. Ottawa hésitait à les vendre au régime de Manille qui s'en servirait pour mater des mouvements terroristes. Quand le président Rodrigo Duterte, un adepte de la ligne dure, a senti les craintes du Canada, il a demandé à ses dirigeants militaires de rompre l'entente et de trouver un autre fournisseur. Ces questions de principe sont difficiles à arbitrer. D'un côté, cette vente aurait assuré du travail à 900 personnes à Mirabel. Les Canadiens ignorent l'importance du commerce des armes au pays. Il fournit de l'emploi à plus de 100 000 travailleurs au pays et discrètement, le Canada s'est faufilé parmi les 10 premiers exportateurs au monde. C'est que les statistiques officielles ne disent pas tout. Une part des ventes consiste en des équipements d'appoint ou technologique. Ainsi, le Canada a déjà vendu des hélicos à la Colombie pour sa lutte contre des groupes révolutionnaires, mais seulement après avoir été modifiés. Ainsi, la vente n'apparaissait pas publiquement comme une de type militaire, même si c'était un secret de Polichinelle. Une autre transaction du genre, avec l'Arabie saoudite, continue de faire couler l'encre. Sous les conservateurs de Stephen Harper, Ottawa a permis en 2014 la vente de tanks légers pour 15 milliards $ et assurent de l'emploi à 3000 personnes de General Dynamics à Newmarket. En campagne électorale, M. Trudeau a diminué la portée de l'affaire, arguant que le Canada vendait « des Jeeps ». Mais personne ne reconnaîtrait un Jeep devant une photo de ces tanks légers, mais lourdement armés. Des organisations comme Amnesty International font pression contre ce contrat parce que selon leurs prétentions, le régime de Riyad se servirait de ces véhicules pour réprimer sa minorité chiite. La ministre des Affaires globales, Chrystia Freeland, a soutenu hier que des preuves vidéo de 2016 n'étaient pas concluantes, sans rendre public le rapport à cet effet. Les « Jeeps » de Justin Trudeau, puis cette vente avortée d'hélicoptères aux Philippines : le Canada est-il trop vertueux ? Se met-il la tête dans le sable ? Différents sondages indiquent que la population est partagée. Ajoutons au dossier l'approbation du pipeline Kinder Morgan entre l'Alberta et la Colombie-Britannique. Difficile de réconcilier les prétentions vertes du gouvernement Trudeau et le feu vert qu'il offre aux oléoducs... Comment rétablir la quadrature du cercle ? En fait, c'est impossible. Ottawa doit arbitrer entre les intérêts des uns et des autres, d'une province contre l'autre, d'une question de principe contre des emplois et une économie florissante. Les conservateurs penchaient systématiquement pour l'économie. Ils pratiquaient une forme d'aveuglement volontaire. Quant aux libéraux..., au moins disent-ils avoir soupesé le tout ; croyons-les sur parole, jusqu'à preuve du contraire. Parfois, les circonstances peuvent faire pencher d'un côté ou de l'autre. C'est l'arbitrage difficile du pouvoir.

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