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April 13, 2021 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

Armée canadienne | L’approvisionnement en déroute

S’il existe un récif sur lequel le gouvernement fédéral s’échoue continuellement depuis des décennies, c’est bien celui de l’approvisionnement militaire. Aux prises avec des décisions aux conséquences financières considérables, les gouvernements tergiversent, souvent plombés par des enjeux politiques et par l’influence des militaires.

On the same subject


    February 19, 2020 | Local, Naval


    Rolls-Royce has broken ground on a new expansion to its Centre of Excellence for Naval Handling equipment in Canada. Design and manufacture of the Rolls-Royce Mission Bay Handling System (MBHS) will take place inside the new facility in Peterborough, Ontario. The MBHS is a feature of the Global Combat Ship design, selected for the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC), Australian Hunter Class and UK Type 26 programs. The Canadian Federal Government has already selected the Global Combat Ship design for the Royal Canadian Navy's 15 new CSC ships. Bruce Lennie, Rolls-Royce, vice president, business development and government affairs said: "We are pleased to welcome Minister Monsef, MPP Smith and Mayor Therrien to mark this significant milestone in developing our infrastructure which will support the Canadian Surface Combatant program. "This centre will harness and build upon the wealth of Canadian engineering and technological expertise we have at Rolls-Royce. "We look forward to growing our business in country, further developing our supply chain and enhancing our contributions to the Canadian economy." Rolls-Royce employs more than 1,000 people across five facilities in cities including Montreal, Ottawa and Peterborough.

  • German air chief urges haste in fielding strike, utility drones

    November 5, 2023 | Local, Aerospace

    German air chief urges haste in fielding strike, utility drones

    The Luftwaffe wants so-called remote carriers and a dedicated combat drone earlier than the timing of the Future Combat Air System envisions.

  • Canada confirms plan to replace submarine fleet at NATO summit | CBC News

    July 10, 2024 | Local, Naval, Security

    Canada confirms plan to replace submarine fleet at NATO summit | CBC News

    Canada definitely plans to move forward with the purchase of new submarines, the federal government announced on the margins of the NATO Summit on Wednesday.

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